L. Rowyn
author : L. Rowyn
L. Rowyn is the penname the author chose because it was too much work to change all of her existing social media to use a different name. She struggles with a lifelong addiction to writing. So far, writing is winning.\n\nShe lives in the midwestern U.S. with her partner, Trask, and her cat, Kali. She puts teleportation into most of her fiction because in real life her other SOs live much too far away. \n\nShe can be found online at:\n\n@ladyrowyn on twitter.com\nladyrowyn.com\nrowyn.dreamwidth.com\n\nSign up for her mailing list here http://eepurl.com/cedZTb. Newsletters are only sent when she releases a new book, so no more than a few times a year.